
ServoLink commissioning programming kit

The ServoLink parameterisation software from esitron.

  • 6 prepared ServoLink parameter pages, sorted by categories: Electronics, motor, user, inputs/outputs, controller, manual mode
  • PROFIBUS & PROFINET online monitor with log function to a file for recording bus communication
  • Oscilloscope function for signal observation and controller adjustment
  • Online screens for diagnosis and commissioning

Your advantages in use:
The esitron ServoLink parameterisation software is a comprehensive program – a complete Windows application with a user-friendly interface. The data is displayed in clear windows, not just as a simple table listing.
This means: your operating data is displayed in plain text and grouped and arranged in a meaningful way. The controller settings can be made online with sliders. 
Of course, you will receive support during set-up and use from our customer-friendly service team by phone and also online.

The ServoLink parameter pages, sorted by category